Intellectual Outputs of the project are:

Online Portal with assessment tools

Self-assessment tool for Vocational Advisors and VET learners, and also didactic tool strengthening the work of vocational advisors and in the longer perspective VET teachers, trainers and educators. An ICT tool designed and developed as a platform to support the learning process of educators. The project will use an open source Learning Management System (LMS) collecting the learning objects used in the project training including textbooks, presentations, videos, case studies, collection of relevant resources like documents, links, articles, and useful tips. We'll use that LMS to create eLearning courses and e-learning contents.

Modular training for vocational advisors

Training material developed as a complementary with online assessment tool. Partially will be available on project portal together with assessment tool. Aim of IO2 is to develop modular training for VET vocational counselors and psychologists in vocational education, which will help them to define individual potential of each student or trainee - using online tests and other supporting material.

Eilm supporting materials for vocational advisors

Methodologies for train the trainer gathering methodological and pedagogical resources to effectively develop emotional intelligence skills and competences, as well as supporting tools and interactive materials for VET learners as handbook for training of trainers and set of iconographies/infographics corresponding with training material.

Development of coaching sessions – prototype

Material for career coaches and vocational advisors – complementary with O1-O3 activities. Development of open access materials/tools for self-evaluation/self-study as well as suitable for coaches and VET teachers, trainers , vocational advisors based on the representation system (WAK or VAK), which is a neurologically sensible preference for sensory information reception. Innovative tools for emotional intelligence coaching will allow you to shape the emotions and emotional hygiene of the participants in the process.

Further Activities of the Eilm project are:

Training activity – Emotional Intelligence Train for Trainers

A Transnational Training for Teacher Trainers will be organized by Amadeus Partner (Austria) in Wien at the end of the second year of project. Each partner will send 3 vocational advisors to be learnt how to use the web platform and the methodology developed within the project. The course will last five days. The course will take place around end date of IO2 and IO3 in order to provide O1-O2 and O3 assessment via group of experts at national level and have chance to discuss the project outcomes during face to face sessions.

Multiplier events – Emotional Intelligence in CV

There will be 1 International event (in Lublin, Poland) organized at the end of the project by Partner WSEI. Goals: a) Present all outputs and encourage stakeholders to use them. b) Foster discussion and communication among VET and businesses about importance of Emotional intelligence in professional life and discuss new trends and approaches.

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